
World Religions

・How do you greet people in your life?

I usually say words 'Ohayou''Konnichiwa''Konbanwa''Oyasumimasai' in greetings.(●′艸`◎)vV


  When I greet ...

  • seniors people who I met first, ⇒I bow deeply and say ' Nice to meet you. My name is ○○(family name)
  • stranger people ,     ⇒ just say 'hello' with shallow bow.


When I greet ...

  • same age people who met first,     ⇒I bow shallowly and say ' Hello, My name is ○○(given name)
  • my friends or people I know well...    ⇒I say 'Hello' and sometime hug(>ω<)/
  • foreign people   ⇒I adapt myself to the people's greetiing.(≧▽≦)/(≧▽≦)ゞ

・Is it different for different people ?How so and why?

Yes, it is. I change greeting to each people as forward. That's why , if I don't change greeting to everyone, may be, I am thought ' she is impolite.' I think we should adapt our greeting to the people. (・∀・)/

・ Do you touch people when you talk yo them? Why? Why not?

Umm...(。-_-。)ゞdepend on the situations... If I talk to my close to friends, I do. I want to communicate her or him.(≧U≦)

1 件のコメント:

bob さんのコメント...

I agree with you.
I talk to familiar, I touch them.
I think that touching is communicate!